My name is Gerard Durham. My professional life has been accented by working for such firms as Bank of New York, Lincoln Financial, Lockwood Investments, and many others. The focus of my professional and consulting work has been within private wealth management. In short, working with the most wealthy people in the world.
I was astonished by what I learned from them. I thought most of these people invested their money in the stock market to grow wealth. Nope. I thought they bought massive amounts of real estate to grow wealth. Nope. The massively wealthy use the stock market, precious metals, and real estate to store their wealth. What was their wealth accumulation strategy? Their version of online affiliate marketing for their time.
Once I found this out, the entrepreneur flame grew quickly. I was always a student of wealth accumulation, but now I had a new focus.
I was already a Real Estate investor, a business owner, and an owner of a company that makes apps. But I did not understand online marketing. This site essentially documents my online affiliate marketing journey.
We steer you clear of the non-sense and keep wealth strategies simple.
My wife and I have been all over the world. Experiencing cultures and enjoying food from many destinations.
I am an enormous Philadelphia Eagle fan. When my team is playing, my life stops until the game is over. Fly Eagles Fly!
Teaching and helping people is my calling in life. I have found that most would are like me. They want to learn how to build wealth in the most efficient way possible. So they can enjoy life and build a great family.
Many of the strategies I discovered were borrowed from other wealthy people. I am still a student. But I am also a teacher who will share my knowledge and experiences so that you won't need to make the same mistakes I did.